Geneva Hearing Services - Geneva, IL

Man suffering from hearing loss covering his ears with his hands while noises are all around him.

There is a complicated link between hearing and mood that tends to go unnoticed. A 2014 study conducted by researchers at The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) suggests a strong correlation exists between loss of hearing and mood disorders with both often going untreated.

What that indicates for those with some hearing loss, whether they know it or not, is that the decrease in their hearing directly impacts their mood. Keeping that in mind means it is safe to conclude that hearing enhancement devices like hearing aids might be just what you need to fight depression.

The Study

Researchers working with The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders used data taken from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to look for a correlation between depression and hearing loss in people over the age of 18. They discovered some interesting facts:

  • Moderate to severe depression rates were around 4.9 percent for those with good hearing.
  • Moderate to severe depression rates were around 11.4 percent for those with some hearing loss.
  • The rate of depression increased as hearing declined but did not change for those already deaf.
  • Women over the age of 70 found to have reduced hearing through professional hearing exams did experience depression.
  • Men over the age of 70 did not experience depression despite their hearing loss.

Based on the findings of the study, researchers concluded that hearing loss over the age of 70 was less of a factor in depression for men but did affect women. Younger adults who suffered from some level of hearing loss where more likely to become depressed despite their gender.

Why Hearing Loss Can Lead to Depression

There are a number of theories out there to answer this question but the most likely one is more common sense than science. Simply put, finding yourself with hearing loss can trigger mood swings and depression because:

  • Most forms of hearing loss are permanent. Once a person loses their hearing due to trauma, disease or just aging, that damage is done. The components that let you hear are very delicate and there is no proven way to fix most of them. Hearing aids provide a workable solution, but it is not a permanent one.
  • Hearing loss leads to isolation. People tend to bow out of social situations once hearing loss begins. Maybe they think they are too dumb to follow the conversations or they are just not ready to deal with their hearing problem. Studies show that social isolation is a risk factor for dementia, as well, as depression.
  • Hearing loss causes stress. A person experiencing hearing loss might be unable to enjoy things the same way they used to like listening to music or playing the piano. Turning the volume up just irritates everyone around them, too. At the same time, they are struggling to interpret words. Sounds start to drop out, so some words are hard to distinguish adding to their anxiety. That stress can quickly turn to sadness and, eventually, depression.

Why Hearing Aids Help

The NIDCD suggests that most people over the age of 70 can find benefit in wearing hearing aids just to reduce the effects of age-related hearing loss. According to the institute, just 1 in 3 people that need hearing assistance have a diagnosis of hearing loss and access to hearing aids. People’s reasons for not getting the hearing aids vary but some common ones are cost and not wanting to admit there is a problem. Instead, they struggle to get through life and that leads to depression.

A study for the National Council on Aging reports those with hearing loss that do see doctor to get a professional hearing test and then wear hearing aids are 50 percent less likely to become depressed.

Getting hearing aids improve the quality of life in many ways. If you know you have hearing loss then schedule an appointment to see your doctor and get a hearing test. You’ll be surprised how much better you will feel once you start hearing again.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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