Geneva Hearing Services - Geneva, IL

People running on treadmills at the gym

Establishing a consistent fitness routine does wonders for our health, but it can be difficult to stay inspired before and during the workout.

Let’s admit it, the act of working out itself is not always enjoyable. We do it largely for the results and future health benefits, but it can be difficult to get through the stress and pain of the actual exercises.

That’s why most people find ways to take their minds off the actual work, commonly by listening to music.

Music not only presents a distraction but also creates the motivation and stimulation needed to maximize effort. You may not feel like going to the gym today, but put on your favorite music and all of a sudden you’re energized and ready to go.

This is where hearing aids can be beneficial for individuals with hearing loss.

With compatible hearing aids, you can stream your favorite music straight from your music player or smartphone to your hearing aids—without any wires getting in the way.

As an alternative, if you’re in the learning mode, you can also stream your favorite podcasts or online courses, strengthening both your mental and physical health simultaneously.

Have a workout partner instead?

Modern hearing aid models, furnished with directional microphones, focus on and enhance speech while curbing background noise, making it easier to hold a discussion with your partner in a lively gym.

For all of these reasons hearing aids are worthwhile gym equipment, but you may be worried about potential damage to the device from perspiration and moisture.

While the majority of hearing aid models are resistant against dirt and wetness to some extent, there are a few accessories you can use to protect your hearing aids at the gym.

Think of investing in:

  • Hearing aid sweatbands – these absorbent sleeves fit over your hearing aids, shielding them from sweat and dirt.
  • Hearing aid clips – helps to prevent damage or loss if your hearing aids become unintentionally dislodged from your ears.
  • Batteries – maintaining an extra pair on hand assures you won’t run out of power mid-workout.
  • Cleaning kits – helps clean and sanitize your hearing aids after your workout.
  • Hearing aid dehumidifier – well worth investing in for three reasons: dehumidifiers 1) eliminate moisture, 2) sanitize using UV light, and 3) supply a safe place for storage overnight.

With a little care and planning, you can securely enjoy all the benefits of hearing aids at the gym.

If you have any questions, or want to learn more about hearing aid accessories for the gym, send us a message or give us a call!

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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