Geneva Hearing Services - Geneva, IL

Woman at the window looking out and feeling isolated from untreated hearing loss.

The probability of having to deal with hearing loss goes up as we age. Some degree of hearing loss is already affecting millions of people. Unfortunately, people experiencing hearing loss commonly wait seven years after the first symptoms appear before finding help.

Many older adult’s social life is negatively impacted by ignored hearing loss. Warning signs include regularly asking people around you to repeat what they said more slowly and loudly, as well as withdrawing from social circumstances because they find it difficult to communicate successfully.

You understand your hearing is important. We’re strengthened by our ability to hear. Our hearing lets us communicate with our loved ones, get out with our friends, and go to your job. It also keeps us safe and connected with the outside world. Even your ability to relax is affected by your hearing. It’s a pity that we so often take our hearing for granted.

So when your hearing declines, and if you’re like most people, it will, you’ll feel it physically and emotionally. It has an impact on your general quality of life. Hearing loss can even lead to feelings of isolation.

Because of this, it’s important to identify the early signs of hearing loss so potential treatment solutions can be considered. Fortunately, most kinds of hearing loss are treatable. You need to schedule an assessment with a hearing specialist if you find yourself disheartened about missing important conversations. Doing so will help you figure out if your form and level of hearing loss can be successfully treated with hearing aids.

For those who have age-related hearing loss, studies have shown that using hearing aids has many benefits, including improvements in the ability to hear in social situations and interacting with others. Connecting with friends, family, and co-workers becomes a lot easier for adults who suffer from hearing loss when they use hearing aids.

Mental health issues like memory loss, depression, failing mental cognition, and even the occurrence of Alzheimer’s have been associated with hearing loss in studies performed by Johns Hopkins University. These health problems can be avoided by managing hearing loss.

Communication is a major part of personal relationships, especially with family and friends Frustration and miscommunication between family and friends are often the result of loss of hearing.

Safety is also an issue for those afflicted with hearing loss. There are crucial warning sounds that take place in your life like sirens, alarms, horns, and the sound of traffic approaching which you need to be able to hear. Hearing aids will help keep you safer by enabling you to hear these sounds.

Hearing impairment can have an adverse effect on your income. If you are dealing with hearing loss and are a member of the labor force, it can cause frustration, overlooked details, and ultimately decrease your ability to earn. The use of hearing aids can help.

Family members can be of great help to an older adult with hearing impairment, but it’s also imperative that the individual with hearing loss takes the first step. If you are dealing with hearing loss, you need to undergo hearing a exam and commit to treatment (like wearing hearing aids routinely), so you can go back to hearing all the sounds and conversations that are relevant in your day-to-day life. Recognizing that you aren’t on your own can be very uplifting. With assistance from family members, hearing specialists, and hearing aids, you can avoid feelings of isolation and once again socialize with your cherished family members and friends.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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